Letter to the Hamilton Spectator on MP John Bryden’s Reasons for Opposing Equal Marriage Law

September 22, 2002

Hamilton Spectator,
Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

We were sorry to see in MP John Bryden’s Ottawa Report (summer 2002) that he feels the main reason for his opposing legal recognition of same-sex marriage is to enable judges to refuse adoption/custody on the basis of sexual orientation.

The intent of legal change is to make sure that children’s rights are protected by giving them sound legal relationships to their parents and to ensure that judicial attitudes to sexual orientation are not a factor in deciding the future of children. The best interests of the children are best served by a prejudice-free assessment of their environment, be it straight or gay.

Bryden is being disingenuous in ignoring this – either that or his own suggestion that the court thinks MPs ignorant of human rights may have more basis than he thinks.

C M Donald
CLGRO spokeswoman

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